RQA - Requirements Quality Analyzer (+info)
- Checks the quality of your requirements specifications
- Performs correctness, completeness and consistency analysis
- Configured according to your own quality policies
RAT - Requirements Authoring Tool (+info)
- Tools and plug-ins to assist you in the activity of writing requirements and other natural language texts
- Performs correctness and consistency analysis on the fly
- Suggests controlled-vocabulary items based on a central knowledge base
- Fully integrated into your Requirements Management Tool and Modelling Tool
KM - Knowledge Manager (+info)
- Manages terminology and vocabulary
- Supports breakdown structure
- Manages the knowledge models that better represent your project
- Helps you to create the patterns used during authoring and control
- Provides methods for automatic generation of Ontologies
- Manages knowledge evolution over time
- Manages and reuses knowledge libraries
More information and purchase: info@ulmaembedded.com and www.reusecompany.com